AUTHOR: Fredrick Buechner
I went around asking my friends to recommend books to me and a good friend of mine named Steve offered me this one. I was very happy to receive it as I am a big fan of the author. I just recently read one installment of 'The Book of Bebb' and I loved it. I recommend the book of Bebb as highly as I recommend the present title.
A book like this defies description. I can tell you that he discusses faith and God in it. He talks about how language is the way we express story (hence the alphabet reference). I can also tell you that it reads like a crisp spring morning filled with good coffee and pleasant smells in comparison to many modern defences of faith. He does not offer empirical data as an explanation of his belief. Instead, he speaks of the little moments in life where it seems like God is gleaming through. These moments can be tree branches clacking on one another or the nights when you reach into the darkness expecting to touch the hand of Jesus (read the book and you'll get it). Beuchner argues for a faith with doubt. He argues for a true human faith in the Divine: one that does not rest on absolute scientific fact but one that rests in a feeling so fleeting yet so real. Though I find myself unable to clearly express what Buechner is up to in this book I can tell you that it tastes of a truth that is lost in books that 'clearly tell it'.